Pronto Pest has built a name for giving quality pest control service. We were the first in Michigan to use scent dogs. The best method for detecting bed bugs. The owner Steve Alcala has stayed on top of new treatment and detection methods. Making us experts in the removal of bed bugs. Today, we help people all over Michigan regain control of their homes, offices, and multi-unit facilities. Recently we were recognized for our hard work by Reader’s Digest (RD). They named us as the best bed bug exterminator in Michigan.
Bed bugs are on the rise all over the country. In some places, their numbers are booming. The National Pest Management Association released data on bed bugs. This data showed that 97 percent of exterminators have treated at least one bed bug infestation. RD wanted to give consumers a guide to the best companies in their state. These companies are known for quick and effective service. To create this list, RD looked at how past customers had reviewed and rated each company. Knowing that being on this list is due to feedback from our own customers makes this even sweeter.
Here are a couple of those reviews:
“Pronto Pest has allowed me and my family to feel comfortable in our home again. It might sound like an exaggeration but when you realize your home has bed bugs you just can’t relax: you feel dirty, you feel itchy all the time, you get so stressed thinking about having to buy new furniture! Thankfully, from the second I called Pronto Pest their staff just put my mind at ease – and their treatment has really worked!” – Noah Hoppe

“Picking up the phone to Pronto Pest to take care of a major bed bug infestation was the best decision I’ve made all year. They were great value for the price but more importantly the customer service is the best I’ve ever dealt with, right from that first phone call – their staff are knowledgeable, professional and thorough. Five stars from me!” – Aiden Alvarado

If you think you have bed bugs don’t hesitate, contact us today and speak with on of our bed bug experts!
Our company has used Pronto for many years and have been very satisfied with the them. The employees have been courteous to all the residents in our apartment buildings. We recently needed to evacuate an apartment building and their employee on site helped to evacuate one of the members. Tim helped by getting a wheelchair for the elderly woman and wheeled her out to a safe area. This was above his duties as a pest control manager. Thank you Pronto for employing caring and considerate staff members.