With bed bugs on the rise all over the US, travelers are starting to take precautions. Including scanning Yelp and travel site reviews for any mention of bed bugs in hotels they are considering. Just one claim of a bed bug sighting could result in a loss of business.
Why Bed Bugs Love Hotels
Hotels give bed bugs a chance to find new hosts quickly. These pests like to hide in soft, thick material where they can easily avoid detection. A busy traveler provides many ideal places for bed bugs to hitch a ride. Someone who stays in a room with bed bugs can easily spread the issue to the next hotel they visit. This is why our bed bug experts recommend regular preventative inspections for any hotel wanting to avoid an infestation.
How They Get In
These tiny bugs love to travel. They can go unnoticed in clothing that has been in or near an infested dresser. They can also hide in luggage that was left in an infested room as a vehicle for expanding their reach. It only takes one bug finding its way into a single unit to begin the spread throughout the entire facility.
How To Avoid an Infestation of Your Hotel
Regular screenings of each room in your facility should be conducted by trained specialists like our Scent Detection Teams. Early detection leads to easy elimination and is the best chance you have to keep your hotel’s reputation as a quality establishment from suffering.
Why Pronto Pest Management?
Pronto Pest has over three decades of experience with controlling the spread of bed bugs in multi-unit facilities just like hotels. Our trained and maintained Scent Detection Teams can determine the extent and locations of the infestation in a unit within minutes. We offer a variety of bed bug treatment methods that can handle even large-scale infestations.
Bed Bug Hotel Services Near Me
We provide our treatment and inspection services for bed bugs in hotels all over Michigan. Though we are located in Oak Park, our techs regularly work with clients all over the lower peninsula to eliminate their bed bug problems.
Don’t let bed bugs ruin your motel’s reputation, call Pronto Pest today at (855) 438-7436 or schedule an inspection!