Bed bugs are on the rise all over the US. They infest homes, businesses and even public transportation. Some cities experience such widespread infestations that even the buses and taxis end up as homes to bed bugs.
Bed bugs on public transportation can easily find a home, this is why regular screenings are an important step in fighting off infestations and a loss of faith in your city’s infrastructure. Remember, it only takes one bug to create an infestation.
Why Bed Bugs Love Public Transportation
Bed bugs are small, think less than the size of an apple seed, making it easy for them to avoid visual detection. They can easily hide in small cracks and crevices, as well as in between seat cushions. Then, while commuters catch a ride to work or a city event they can unknowingly become a buffet for these vermin.
How They Get In
These pests can easily gain access to buses, taxis or shuttles by hiding in the clothing of passengers. If a passenger spent the night in an infested hotel room it is very easy for a transfer of live bed bugs to take place during their ride. Not just tourists, but local residents too. Those with bed bugs issues at home can also bring the pests on to the local service lines.
How To Avoid an Infestation of Your Vehicles
City management must be extra vigilant when it comes to bed bugs on public transportation systems. Early detection is the best way to avoid an infestation on your entire transit system. Once bed bugs have established themselves on one bus they can easily spread throughout the system on the clothes of people transferring from one line to another.
Why Pronto Pest Management?
Pronto Pest has over three decades of experience with controlling the spread of bed bugs. This includes inspecting city bus systems, taxis, and other fleets. Our trained and maintained Scent Detection Teams can determine the extent and locations of the infestation within minutes. We offer a variety of treatment methods that can handle even large-scale infestations.
Bed Bug Transportation Treatment Near Me
We provide our treatment and inspection services for bed bugs on public transportation all over Michigan. Though we are located in Oak Park, our techs regularly work with clients all over the lower peninsula to eliminate their bed bug problems.
Don’t let bed bugs take over your systems, call Pronto Pest today at (855) 438-7436 or schedule an inspection!