Meet The Chico Dogs

Chico Dog Detectives

Bed Bugs have become a very serious problem in recent years. Foreseeing the threat back in 2006 Pronto Pest discovered that bed bug dogs provide a superior form of detecting bed bug activity in a home, business, or multi-unit facility. Soon after they hired their first detective was beagle named “Sadie”. This made them the first pest control company in Detroit and the Midwest with a certified scent-detecting canine.

See our K-9 Bed Bug Detectives in action!

Sadie, a 5-year-old Beagle mix, is a proud bed bug hunter who works for food. And she’s part of the growing team of K-9 detectives at Pronto Pest in the Oak Park area of Detroit.

Specially trained in live bed bug detection, Sadie’s owner, Steve Alcala, says she is about 98-percent accurate. Humans looking for bed bugs reportedly detect the critters with a near 40-percent accuracy rate.

And with the rise in bed bug awareness and detection, Alcala has added to his Detroit K-9 team of bed bug hunters with Molly, a 3-year-old Beagle mix, and a 2-year-old pure Beagle named Gracie.

Beagles make great bed bug hunters because of they are small and can sniff in small spaces and detect bed bugs there.


Birthday: October 4

The handsomest boy and the man of the house. Who takes on the world of bed bugs.

Poncho - Chico Dog

Birthday: June 4

Star is one of our stars. She’s a cuddler. She enjoys working in the field and meeting new people.

Star - Chico Dog

Lu Lu
Birthday: October 2

The little speedster. She will not let anything get in her way of finding bed bugs.

Lu Lu - Chico Dog

Birthday: December 4

The newest addition to the family. She is a pistol.

Kassie - Chico Dog

Birthday: August 19

Our “little princess”. She enjoyed long car rides and belly rubs. Gracie has now crossed the rainbow bridge.

Gracie - Chico Dog

Birthday: April 7

She was the first NESDCA certified bed bug dog in the midwest. Sadie has now crossed the rainbow bridge.

Sadie - Chico Dog

Birthday: July 1

Mollie, aka The Howler, has now crossed the rainbow bridge.

Mollie - Chico Dog

NESDCA certified Scent Detection Dogs

K-9 bed bug Scent Detection Teams that are certified through NESDCA uphold the highest pest control industry standards. When a canine team is properly trained and maintained, you can be assured of a high percentage of accuracy in locating live bed bugs and viable eggs.

Not only can properly trained and maintained canines locate Bed Bug problems they can also determine if treatment has worked due to their ability to let us know there are no more live bed bugs present.

Bed Bug Inspections Michigan

Why Choose The Bed Bug Dogs At Pronto Pest?

Pronto Pest management currently has three NESDCA certified handler teams in Detroit and Michigan that are continuously trained to maintain a high level of performance and accuracy! These dogs can tell if live bed bugs are active in your property within minutes of entering an infested area. Without trained scent detection bed bug dogs you will be relying on visual inspections which can lead to false positives and unnecessary treatment.

We plan to keep on the “cutting edge” of Professional Bed Bug identification & elimination by researching and utilizing new and improved methods of pest management principles. We want to be the “go-to” experts that others call upon for consultation and advice.

If you have recently traveled, had guests in from out of town, or suspect that you may have bed bugs in your home, don’t delay. Contact Pronto Pest Management today, by calling us at (855) 438-7436 or visiting our service request page!