Bed bugs are on the rise all over the US. They infest homes, businesses and even vehicles. A single bed bug taking up residence in your vehicle can quickly turn into a full-blown infestation. Bed bugs in your personal vehicle can make an already stressful situation worse. If you’re already dealing with bed bugs in one area the last thing you want is having them find a home in your car or truck.
You would likely be spreading the pests wherever you travel. This will cause even more embarrassment and prevent you from allowing passengers to take rides in your vehicle for fear that they too will come into contact with the bugs.
Why Bed Bugs Love Personal Vehicles
The small size of bed bugs makes it hard for the average person to detect them visually. They can easily hide in small cracks and crevices that are everywhere in automobiles. If you do a lot of driving around you may become the perfect carrier for the pests to spread.
How They Get In
Having a bed bug infestation in your home or workplace can be a stressful and draining experience. This problem can become even worse if bed bugs also take over your personal vehicle. These pests can easily cling on to clothing and be transported into your car where they will begin to reproduce. With such a small space it would not take long before the area becomes completely overrun with bed bugs.
How To Avoid an Infestation of Your Vehicle
If your living space or workplace has been the site of a recent infestation your vehicle may already have bed bugs in it. If you are an Uber or Lyft driver that makes regular trips to airports you are at an increased risk for picking up bed bugs. The professionals at Pronto Pest can inspect your vehicle to ensure that bed bugs have truly been removed your life.
Why Pronto Pest Management?
Pronto Pest has over three decades of experience with controlling the spread of bed bugs. This includes inspecting the vehicles of those living in infested areas. Our trained and maintained Scent Detection Teams can determine the extent and locations of the infestation within minutes. We offer a variety of treatment methods that can handle even large-scale infestations.
Bed Bug Transportation Treatment Near Me
We provide our treatment and inspection services for bed bugs in personal vehicles all over Michigan. Though we are located in Oak Park, our techs regularly work with clients all over the lower peninsula to eliminate their bed bug problems.
Don’t let bed bugs take over your life, call Pronto Pest today at (855) 438-7436 or schedule an inspection!